Friday, October 5, 2007

Videos: Bubbles, Bugs, and Babbling

Tita Chrissie took some videos of Gabi girl on the day of Annabelle's baptism. We'd like to share some with you, so that you can see our little girl in action. An animated representation of our two-year-old daughter is more capable of conveying her personality (and more fun!) than still images at this point.

Saturday morning, Ninang, Tita, cousin Steven, Grampa, and Gabi entertain themselves with bubbles on the patio. For the duration of this clip, Gabi is in her own world, trying to dip her bubble wand in the solution like Ninang did.


Gabi and her cousin Steven made bug toys and are showing them to Tita and Grampa. I have no idea what Gabi is doing with her bug or where she got that idea.


Some of the video was shot vertically, and rotating it distorts the image. In the final clip, I corrected the beginning but left the last part in its original orientation. Let me know what you think about the short&squat image versus the sideways view.

Gabi loves to sing. Sometimes she sings real songs, and other times she makes up her own tunes. This particular night, it is way past her bedtime, and she is so tired that she is also making up words. You can see the exhaustion in her eyes, but she's hanging in there.

Gabi's Song


Uncle Brian said...


Christine :) said...

Sorry I shot the videos sideways but I'm glad you posted them. :) They were filmed mainly for Jordan and I to watch when we missed Gabi...which was sadly, when we were sitting at the atlanta airport.

Lissa said...

No apology needed, Tita! We are glad that you took videos at all! They are fun whether or not they are upright, and I enjoyed playing with the editing software.