Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Gabi's letters

Gabi loves to write notes to her loved ones. We each get many letters daily, folded and wrapped in a doll blanket or baby burp cloth as a present. We love it! I had a very difficult time selecting which ones to post here.

Notes from December 2009:
the cat sat on mat bad boy Nathan Merry Christmas

January 2010 pictures from Gabi:
Gabi's favorite color is light blue.
She colored/glitter-painted this especially for her Daddy.

A portrait of Daddy

January letters from Gabi:
Colors for Lolo & Lola
(The butterfly is stenciled; the other drawings are free-hand.)

Do we pick up Bella and take her to the store
Gabi is learning about punctuation in school,
so she wanted to write me a question.

Do we pick up Bella and take her home and wrap a present
Gabi was excited to use the ? stamp
from "Uncle" George for Christmas.

Thank you
Gratification for Daddy's taking her to school before work
(even though it required that she wake up extra-early and go to before care)

A sympathy card after Daddy got hurt while playing with her

Gabi doesn't want to leave anyone out! She even includes her not-yet-born sister.
To Bella from Katya
A painted note to Bella, "from" Katya
(with a Tinkerbell stencil)

Sleeping Beauty trace
Gabi traced Sleeping Beauty all by herself
and then colored her drawing and embellished it with glitter paint.

Wuffel Bear
Gabi sounded out Wuffel Bear (Daddy's childhood teddy)
and wrote her sister's name in bubble-letters.

February 2010 drawings:
Gabi's drawing of Rintoo,
Kai-Lan's tiger friend

Gabi used a stamp for this person's shirt decoration.

Books by Gabi
At school, Gabi's PreK class has started working on "wordless books" in which the children write a story to go along with the illustrations. Here are a few examples of Gabi's work. (Gabi sounds out the words on her own, then her teacher writes in the correct spelling.) I'd really like to post every page of these books, but I'll limit myself.

The next ball and the arms.

These are the eyes.
(I love her spelling "izs")

animal book
The baby chick hatched.

in book 1
The monkey jumped in the car.

in book 2
The monkey laughed.

At home during afternoon quiet time, Gabi made her own Alphabet Book with a page for each letter. I scanned the entire alphabet (4 pages at a time), but I decided to post only one.

alphabet book
E is for elephant
F is for fish
G is for Gabi
H is for helicopter

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