Wednesday, January 28, 2009

New Years in Atlanta

Shannon invited us to her house for a New Years Day celebration with black-eyed peas and all. Thanks for a great party!

Grayson took Gabi for a ride in his new car!

This outdoor excursion was a fun activity that we enjoyed watching, but it doesn't bode well for 13 years from now...

Around the circle in the the cul-de-sac

And then through the circle!

Gabi didn't appreciate the bumpy "adventuresome boy" detour, so she decided to take over the wheel... but driving proved not to be an innate skill.

How does this work?

Bella flying on the swing

Gabi (Grayson) and Ava

Hugging Ava goodbye

Then we visited Gabi's best friend, Martin -- the playdate Gabi most looked forward to (and, really, the entire point of the long road trip, as far as she was concerned).

Chilling in Martin's couch

Running in circles over Martin's bed

And for New Years dinner, we went to our good family friends' house in Lilburn. Peggy taught Gabi how to play Candyland, which she loved. Unfortunately, Gabi was sick this week, which resulted in few good photo ops. But she had such a good time that, just this past weekend, Gabi was playing with her twin dolls (named Peggy and Bossum) at Lolo and Lola's house, and she told me that there was another Peggy who plays Candyland (but, she observed that there isn't another Bossum - oh, how true).

Gabi playing Candyland with Peggy

The girls with Mike and Peggy

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