Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Saying Goodbye

The IHM Music Ministry held a very nice going-away party at the rectory before we left Atlanta. Having to say goodbye before you move is one way to highlight what great friends you have made. Here are some of our friends from church, specifically Michael's fellow 5 PM choir members.

Michael (and Annabelle), Colleen (with Brady), and Jodie (with Jackson)

Gabi was the only kid for awhile, and then three of the women got pregnant around the same time we were expecting Annabelle. It's a small world. Colleen went to Notre Dame and lived in my dorm (Farley). Jodie and her family also moved away this summer, but they win the distance award as they're in Zambia now.

Tricia, Griffin, Melissa, and Annabelle

Gabi laughing at Father Schillinger

The other Michael (who directs the 5 PM choir)

Jeff (liturgical music director) and Tommy

Not only did Tommy play guitar for the IHM 5 PM choir, but he was also Michael's high school classmate and they were in Jr ROTC together.

Us with Julie and Sean

One day Bella woke up just as Gabi and I were starting to make sandwiches for lunch. I ran upstairs to pick up Bella and came back to find this:

Gabi standing where she does to help fix lunch, but...

she had eaten the middle out of every piece of bread!

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