Friday, September 7, 2007

Of Squeakers and Speakers

Hello again! Time for more pictures and stories from our little ones.


Little Annabelle is rather noisy when we lay her down at night. She rarely cries, but since we brought her home from the hospital, she's intermittently squeaked when she breathes in, something Daddy calls "inspiratory stridor." After talking to Anna's pediatrician about this, the decision was made to get a couple of radiology studies (airway fluoroscopy and barium swallow) to rule out an anatomic problem, such as a vascular ring, though it was most likely something more functional and benign, such as laryngomalacia. No structural anomalies were found, and the airway fluoro was most consistent with laryngomalacia. (For more information on this condition, see the above link.) Briefly, Anna's airway is a bit floppy, causing a high-pitched squeak when she breathes in while lying in certain positions. There isn't much to do about this usually except to wait for her to grow out of it. So our little one is okay except that she squeaks sometimes. Daddy has taken to affectionately calling her "squeaker." Pictures of our little squeaker:

Annabelle seems to have no problem sleeping most of the time.

Anna says a prayer of thanks to God for keeping her healthy.

Anna has learned to roll over to her side whenever she has trouble breathing.

Of course, she's happiest while being held.
She gave Mommy this cute smile the other day.

Gramma Jane regularly volunteers to hold Anna for us.

Daddy likes to have Anna sleep on his chest...

...but he says it makes him feel pretty drowsy.


As you may have noticed, our big girl has become quite a little chatterbox at home. So much so that Daddy jokingly "complains" to his friends that "we can't get her to shut up." We really are very proud of little Gabi's verbal skills, even if we occasionally feel that we could do without the constant narration of what goes on in our house.

"I'm drawing my name! 'Gabi' starts with the letter G! This is a B!"

"This is the alligator! The alligator wants to bite Lola's nose!"
(We'd post more pictures of Lola's visit, but they're on Lola's camera.)

"Daddy's taking a picture! I said, 'Cheese!' Mommy said, 'Cheese!'"

"May I have some blueberries, please? Gabi's eating blueberries!"

"Mommy, you want some blueberries? I got a blueberry for Mommy!"

"Can you play with me, Daddy? Look! This cat is swinging! Whee, cat!"

Gabi and Anna

And now, your favorite picture section and mine, pictures of our girls together. Gabi continues to be quite fond of her little baby sister, and is adjusting to the fact that there is another sweet little girl who demands Mommy and Daddy's attention a lot of the time. Today we have a collection of pictures of our girls with their Mommy:

Gabi gives her baby Anna a big hug while Mommy holds her.

Gabi smiles big for the picture with Anna and Mommy.

Gabi thinks she's funny. Anna thinks so too, judging from her little smile.

Mommy likes Gabi's sweet kiss for Anna. Anna isn't sure she likes it.


Christine :) said...

Hooray! See you all next week...I can hardly contain my excitement!!!!

emmbee said...

I am glad to hear that Anna's breathing issues are nothing serious.

And I loved the pics of her sleeping on Michael. My parents have a picture of me sleeping on my dad and it's very cute.

Gabi is so big! You must be proud to have such a beautiful family.